07739 480000 debbie@apple-box.co.uk

Public Speaking


Amplify your voice of authority on any stage

In today’s workplace strong platform skills are essential. You need to be able to perform, persuade and influence in a wide variety of settings – face to face, presentations, pitching for business, social media or even just having a one to one conversation. In terms of your personal standing all these communications can be threats or opportunities.  If you’re serious about your career and want to make an impact, get good at performing. The key is to find your authentic voice and to ensure that you are fully exploiting your natural abilities –  your posture, your voice and your breath.

Relaxation is the key to authority.  Lower status individuals show more tension and so shift and change position more frequently.  Dominant individuals can be characterised by economy of movement; whereas less dominant are known for effort”
Debbie Binner

Applebox Media

Our bespoke training courses are co-designed with you. We are highly skilled in empowering you to find your best and most authentic voice.

Applebox works by:

  • using theatre techniques to increase your comfort levels on any stage
  • providing a detailed analysis of how you use your body, voice and breath
  • allow you to test out a variety of creative ideas to add impact, and maybe a little panache, to all of your stand up business performances
  • helping you to “iron out” any “tells” around subordinate or nervous body language
  • assisting you to find your authentic voice on any stage

Our approach is to provide:

  • a supportive, yet challenging, environment to develop a wider range of communication skills
  • detailed feedback on your communication style
  • a joint development plan to continually test and improve on stage presence
  • the opportunity to learn through on-camera training

Courses can be designed as one to one or group sessions. They can be provided on site or in a studio setting.

For more information…

1 + 2 =

“Slow movement is essentially majestic”

Balzac, a French 19th century novelist